Big Move: Waukegan, IL to Milwaukee WI

“Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” – Genesis 12:1

'"You called me out upon the waters, the great unknown where feet may fail, an there I find you in the mystery in oceans deep. My faith will stand." -Hillsong Worship

Two months ago, I made a huge move. I moved from Waukegan, IL to Milwaukee, WI. And although, it is only 55 mins in distance the move was not easy for me in terms of adjustment and loneliness. As some of you know I moved to Wisconsin to attend the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Prior to my move, I attended my community college back home by the name of College of Lake County. At this instituion, I grew exceptionally as a student leader and I found Jesus. My first semester I felt a whole bunch of things excitement and nervousness. However, I adjusted when I found that I was leader. I was a full-time student and was a President of a women’s organization called Sister 2 Sister, which stems out of a larger organization called S.A.A.S. (Student African American Sisterhood). I was anticipating the BIG MOVE for months I even got so bad and got a calendar and did an eight-month countdown because I yearned for independence and self-discovery. I needed to discover my purpose in life as I embarked on a new journey in a new site.

My journey began on September 1, 2018. My mother and her friend piled into his old red pickup truck and I felt so many things. Like looking back, I was emotional that day. We headed for the Great Wisconsin lol at about 9:30 am and it was the gloomiest day. We didn’t have a tarp, so I thought my things was going to get soaking wet. On the way down there, we stopped for breakfast. After breakfast, I googled my arrival time and it said 35 mins. I was so excited!!! But it wasn’t until I kissed my mom goodbye that my journey became real. Tears streamed down her face and I started crying. Her friend said in the background “You got to let her go. Got to let her grow up!” She made me cry and I scanned into my dormitory. As I entered my dorm room, my new home for the next nine months. I felt shocked because I was Here. It is one thing to dream big, but it is another thing to let those dreams be manifested. Who knew a little brown girl from Waukegan would attend University? Many people doubted back home that I would leave my mom because we are so close. I literally defeated  becoming a statistic. I was adopted, lost both my father(s): Winfred Charles and Jerry Mhoon. Let’s talk about Daddy Issues! LOL. Graduated high school with no babies. And I’m still making progress. I am a first-generations student so through navigating higher education I have faced endless hardships. There is incredible person mentioned in the bible who shared a similar experience in which God commanded them to leave their fathers house. And that can be your comfort space and be obedient to him doe the unfamiliar. A Great man of faith was Abraham. Abraham’s name was originally Abraham until God changed him and his wife was named Sarai before changed to Sarah. Genesis 12 is the call of Abram and in verse 1 god speaks to Abraham saying “Leave your country, your relatives, and your father’s house, and go to the land that I will show you. He continues into verse 2 “I will cause you to become the father of many nations.” (Genesis 12:2 NLT)

In this verse, God commanded Abram to leave his space of comfortability because he wanted to manifest something great within him. If he stayed there, God wouldn’t have elevated him. He left, and god fulfilled his promise of even greater blessings in the future. Throughout this journey, Abraham built many altars to praise and honor God. He was an obedient to God and therefore God blessed him. He was also a great man of faith. I was reminded of this story of Abraham when I felt lonely and an outsider. Although I might not realize it yet, God sent me here for reason. In these past months of being here I learned:

1.      Purpose cannot be filled during comfortability.

Prior to the move I was extremely excited, and I knew if I stayed back home my purpose could not be fulfilled. I was tired of being in routine and I knew God was sending me out to get my bachelor’s. I had to be obedient. I could no longer play it safe. I have realized that you must take your eyes off others. My peers and prophets tried to convince me to take a year off, work full-time, but don’t go to University. I only struggled with this because I wasn’t trusting God. Now, I am on the brink of fulfilling my purpose. Purpose stretches you and prunes you. God can only use you if you are willing. Willing to go through the pain (birthing pains), tears, and hardships. He wants t to know that you are faithful and obedient!

2.      Don’t limit God.


Many times, we limit God based on our human perspective when God has already worked it out in the supernatural. We put God in a box and lock him in it with our devotedness to religion. God has proven me time and time again that he is far more powerful and can use me in many ways if I believe. In this walk, you need a consistent prayer life and need to make room for God. Christianity these days are watered down, and everybody is a Christian. Being a Christian is far more than having a cross around your neck and going to church on Sundays. God wants to be in constant relationship with you throughout the week and by realizing this my spiritual life has improved significantly.

3.      Perspective is Everything.

Your perspective is everything. Let’s think about it. Two second-grade kids are racing at recess. One finishes in 1st and the other in 2nd. Both end up being happy because it is about perspective or consider this scenario. Imagine driving a car and your perspective is far different if you are the driver than your friend who is in the backseat. You are greater than our circumstances. And you may not have everything and that is okay! Pace your perspective and start seeing yourself through the Eyes of Christ.

Overall this move has been extremely difficult for me in terms of adjustment, location, and independence. However, it has matured me into the woman I’m becoming. I have cried through and fought on this journey. I am in college and being a Christian is the minority, but WE all know that we’re not in it for popularity, but we are on it to see the face of our Savior JESUS Christ one day!

As always!

Be encouraged,

Nikia A. Handy

Founder of The Purpose Room Ministries


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