Execution is Key: The Time is NOW!

How many of us have sat on goals and dreams and pushed them down to the farthest part of our mind? God has told us to execute that book, that podcast, launch that blog and business but we have laid dormant in God's plans. We have forgotten our gifts, talents, and the promises of the glory placed on your life! Did you know that you haven't even fully tapped into the your purpose inside of the kingdom. You haven tapped into your destiny!

Last weekend, I attended a vision board party and it was incredible!! It was a shared space of believers and we took the time to chat, bond, and write our vision down for the year. We cut out pictures of magazines and I completed mine in one night! it was refreshing. In the beginning of this year God spoke to me two words 'Magnificent shift" God told me he had the ability to shift everything in my life: my finances, my academics, my mindset, and behaviors. In Isaiah it differniates our thoughts and Gods thoughts stating "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." (Isaiah 55:8 ESV).

Do you know that each time we choose to stay in bed, do what is pleasing to our flesh instead of what God told us to do we are in disobedience. God is faithful and he never forces us? But stop, take the time to think of the amount of time we wasted when we decided not to spend time with God? When we decided to take time to scroll on Instagram or watch Netflix and missed God? I am not saying there is nothing wrong with that but we cannot think we are going to operate in disobedience and God will bless our mess! We are faithful with small, we aren't consistent, and we don't have a heart full of gratitude. Heather Lindsey once preached a sermon in which she talked about we decide to life our live and tag scriptures to it. God is faithful and a God of order and he won't bless our mess! The book of Matthew states "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who builds his house on the rock." (Matt 7:24). Gods word is steady, and firm like a rock. If he gave you that vision it is for a reason and it is to be served in the kingdom.

The Lord spoke to me "The time is now!" The time to execute is now. The time to birth out that vision and purpose is NOW! Hear me, that vision that you carry inside of you has to come out . Just like a mother carries a child for nine months, the child has to be birthed! Vision has a due date. In the words of Michael Todd "Vision has to be visible. It is not vision if it is in your thoughts!

We need to start moving when God calls us to do something. God is a god of perfection and purpose. WE second guess ourselves but why are we second guessing God? God doesn't change HIS mind about us or anything concerning us. There is no maybe, but or "or." God is merely waiting on us and the choice is left up you. 1 Samuel 15:22 illustrates the importance of obeying God. "What is more pleasing to the Lord:
    your burnt offerings and sacrifices
    or your obedience to his voice?
Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice,
    and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.

The time is now! In 2020, i cannot afford to be disconnected from God. I cannot afford to neglect my purpose and miss God. Go forth in faith! #FearlessFaith


1. Stop Procrastinating
2. Stop overthinking - we have the ability to talk ourselves out of things! It doesn't have to be perfect, to be purposeful. (Start from scratch).
3. Spend time with God and seek your purpose.
4. Serve others.

Prayer: Dear God,

Thank you for placing purpose deep inside of me. I know that you have started a great work inside of me and it will be brought into completion. I surrender my will to you. Help me to be led by you. Right now i give you my dreams, gifts, desires, wants, purpose, and destiny. When i placed it in your hands, it will be glorified and used for a much greater good. Amen.


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