Healing and Hurting #SeniorSznSeries

"You cannot heal in the same environment that hurt you." -Unknown

Its Friday and I can’t imagine how you may have been impacted by this virus. Everybody is talking about time management, productivity, and developing a successful quarantine routine. The world will pressure you to check boxes. There was a quote that went viral constantly reiterating if you don't come out this pandemic with a hobby, a business. If you’re not up at 5am, somehow you are doing it wrong and that’s NOT TRUE! Instead, can we change it to a different narrative. How are you healing? How are you healing yourself during this pandemic? How taking the time to invest in yourself intrinsically?

It is easy to scroll on Social media and live your life in the shadows of other people. However, God is clear when he tells us not to compare ourselves to others. It will make us jealous and in part will take our eyes of the work he’s doing in us. In fact, when we covet other people lives it truly doesn’t do anything for us. Exodus l not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's".(Exodus 20:17). 

On another note, it is extremely important to take care of your mental health. Those with mental health illnesses are heavily impacted during this time by being cooped up in the house and limited activities. My mental health has been impacted in more ways than once. First, since the college closed, and we moved to online instruction. I have been, along with millions of other college students, we have been forced to move out of our dorms/apartments. abruptly This is a big  transition and weighs on us heavily. I must change an adjust my entire routine. Secondly, there is an academic strain placed on us. With online instruction, we are expected to do assignments and exams like we are in person. Me being a student leader, we still have work to do and I have been working on getting two pieces of legislation passed. WHEW CHILEEE! And my colleagues are not making it easier. Colossian 3:23 states " Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not your human masters."

During this time of social distancing. I have been working on healing to myself. Taking the time to listen to my voice, validate my own true self, my opinions, sleep more. I cut off someone because I realized that the relationship didn't glorify God and it was self-seeking. It wasn't toxic but it wasn't a relationship built with substance. Through starting this process of taking time to look inward and do the inner work I realized everybody heals differently. Healing isn’t a competition and it’s not a test of productivity. TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED ! Understand that you don’t owe anyone an explanation for taking time to yourself. People don’t have to understand because simply put it’s not about them. Truly, healing may looking like signing up for therapy and sop relying on loved ones as a meaningless sounding board.

During this time:

  •  Self-reflect
  • Go to therapy
  •  Exercise
  • Cut off your phone
  • Exercise
  •  Practice self-awareness
  • Mindfulness + Intentionality
  • Love yourself
  •  Understand how to love others well
  •  Don’t beat yourself up 

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." - Ps 147:3 NIV

Heal in peace.

Heal in love.

Heal for your always.

Love always,


Founder of TPM 


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